ORDO’s Inception

January 5, 2023

by: Luke McGarry

During the early stages of my career working as an underground operator and supervisor, I was fortunate to work for a mining contractor whom valued quality shift planning and recognised this as a key capability that underpinned a profitable contracting business.

Working for an organisation that valued (just as much as pure hard work and harder play) knowledge of both good shift planning and data analysis as essential elements of their business, meant that young engineers (even those passing themselves off as underground miners) were required to know and understand this to the same degree as how to charge, bog and drill a development heading. 

Not only did this start to my career provide me with a deep exposure to practical underground mining operational execution, it also influenced my views regarding operational planning. Exposure to traditional mine planning software later on in my career only further defined my view that, execution planning horizons require a different focus and tooling to mine planning. Those tools that have existed have predominantly been built for mining engineers and/or control room operators as the end users, not supervisors. 

Even today, with ever increasing levels of accountability matched with decreasing authority levels, the shift supervisor does not have many (if any) tools specifically built for them to help create, improve, deploy and own their shift plans, which can be hard to imagine given that the delivery of the mine plan is in the co-ordination of that plan on a shift level.

Over the last 6 years, in conjunction with Jason Fratus from Unearthed Advisory Services and SixPivot (an Australian-based software developer) we have developed ORDO® (Latin for the order of things); a supervisor centric progressive web app that is built on a modern tech stack and has been designed for the shift supervisor to create, improve, deploy and track execution of the shift plan. Our first-hand operational experiences have ensured that the complex needs of underground shift planning are hard wired into ORDO’s® DNA.

“This robust tool stabilises, and de-risks shift planning, providing improved plan quality and visibility as well as seamless workforce engagement with the plan through clear visualisation.”

Modernising traditional shift planning processes, ORDO® facilitates the navigation of complex planning interactions and motivates supervisors to develop the best shift plan they can, not just any shift plan. This robust tool stabilises, and de-risks shift planning, providing improved plan quality and visibility as well as seamless workforce engagement with the plan through clear visualisation. Intuitive, touchscreen design supports easy adoption across all digital skill sets.

ORDO® ensures all tasks are planned, resourced, and communicated consistently, ensuring the workforce clearly understands work requirements. Plan transparency allows the workforce to provide feedback which supervisors can easily incorporate into the plan in real time. Providing consistency around shift planning and deployment, ORDO® helps define and articulate “the way we do things around here”.

Built for true customisation of user-defined functionality, nomenclature and workflows, ORDO® can also support shift planning applications across open pit mining, maintenance, processing plants and many other industries.

ORDO® has been successfully deployed in multiple mining environments, and because of its intuitive design, ability to be rapidly deployment and customised for site (within hours) and fast learning uptake, ORDO® translates promptly to improved operational outcomes directly linked to higher quality shift planning and deployment.

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